Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dear JAS,

You stole my heart at a very young age. You were my first boyfriend. You were my first kiss. You were my first love. We were great together at first. You helped me raise my siblings, helped me through my parents’ divorce & you were there every day just to see me. Here’s the thing though when you left my house you turned in to a monster. You were smoking a lot of pot and fooling around with God only knows how many girls. The day I finally figured it out it was far too late. I was a freshman in high school. You left my house because my grandma showed up and went and fucked her. Because I wasn’t ready to have sex with you, I was only 14. You should have known better. You should have kept it in your damn pants. Because then when my best friends boyfriend had to tell me you cheated on me with her, that was a low blow. Then yet again you lied straight to my face and said you weren’t going to that stupid dance and you showed up with her. I am glad I have the friends that I have because they were smart enough to know to make sure I stayed at my house so that I didn’t total your car because of how pissed off I was at you. They did let me punch you in the face which felt great. Then  when we did get back together you had changed for about a month, you had me wrapped around your finger again. Then you went to jail and you came crawling back. I truly hope that now after your last stay in jail you have finally pulled your head out of your ass. But I know you haven’t.  Now because of you I have to pull myself together when I see you. I try not to break down when I smell you. And when I hear your name my blood boils because of how pissed off I still am and how you still hold a big part of my heart that I cannot seem to regain no matter how hard I try.
Your Ex.

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